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For many of us, desktop background plays more than a functional role. It serves our aesthetic needs and thirst for changes. Yesterday you were gloomy, today the feeling of happiness overwhelms the heart and tomorrow… Well, tomorrow whatever mood will be prevailing, you are sure to find an appropriate image in our inventory of prime-quality wallpapers on other topics.

Oftentimes it happens so that it’s hard to identify our state of mind. Due to this fact, there is little chance of finding the required background in categorized listings. But don’t worry: the selection of desktop images is as versatile as the universe itself. Abstract objects, symbols, insignia, inscriptions, aphorisms, creatures, masterpieces of modern art, photos of various setups, and other wallpapers are called to satisfy our incessant interest.

The privilege of a background with an obscure sense is seen in the desire to ‘crack a mystery’ the author instills into the image. This way your brain is in a constant suspense, a search for the solution. For instance, a picture of a person with a head having a globe instead of brains might arouse different opinions: the universe in each human-being, the comprehensibility of knowledge, the manifestation of modern ideas, etc.

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